Mission: To improve the health and wellbeing of uninsured residents of Buffalo and Kearney Counties by providing medical and behavioral healthcare in a compassionate and respectful environment.
Contact: HelpCare Clinic, 3015 Avenue A, Kearney, NE 68847
- Phone: (308) 224-2392
Website: www.helpcareclinic.com
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
HelpCare Clinic is a free clinic providing health care to those who qualify. In order to qualify, patients must live or work in Buffalo, Kearney or Phelps County. They must be completely uninsured and must earn at or below 200% of the federal poverty level annually for a family of four ($50,200). Care is provided by appointment only as they rely on volunteers to provide the majority of their services. HelpCare Clinic does not provide urgent care. If it is an urgent care matter, please contact the Emergency Department. In 2019, HelpCare Clinic served 544 unique individuals. Their services include: Family Medicine, Orthopedics, Behavioral, Pediatrics, Pain Management, Chronic Disease Management, Cardiology, Foot Care, and Primary Care.